About us

About us:
 Hello and welcome to XTAG Armory,

My name is Damian Paige; I am the CEO, President, and Founder of Xenolith Armory, LLC a licensed registered government contract defense company in Mesa, Arizona. I started my business in the valley in March 2010, after cut in a massive layoff in 2006 from a local business and a long 4 year session of interviews and dead-end job offers (over-qualified). I moved to Arizona in 2005 from a little town called Los Angeles, California. Where I worked as a full-time contract CNC machinist for 6 years and a Tensile strength lab tech for 3 years through temporary agencies.

 All my current and applied skills were readily transferable into the weapons defense industry. I am an American, not a American't. I read, study, plan, test, in order to produce the highest quality product. Constitutional and Civil rights should never be two separate engagements to enact freedom or fair treatment, they both should have been combined into a protected singularity to protect everyone exercising their rights equally. To those who poke fun, it may appear as bad grammar but it makes perfect sense.

I personally thank you in advance for your trust in our company, and I will do my best to meet your service and equipment needs. In a country where there are many options and competitors, thank you for viewing our information. I built this business and the company website from scratch as a work in progress with a lot of changes. I am proud to have provided service to a large number of the local gun community, and the national dealers as well as the international gun community for over a year now, thank you.

I work hard at this so that you won't need too. I may not be the cheapest, but we are the best and we deliver. Xenolith Armory is here to stay, and we will not simply fold over like a house of cards.  

When you roll with XTAG Armory you become the lawn mower, and their ass is grass.
Mission Statement:
We help you discover what you want, and we'll work together to find the very best way of achieving it. 

Why Xenolith?!?

Why Xenolith?

A Xenolith (zen' no-lith)(Ancient Greek: "foreign rock") is a rock fragment which becomes enveloped in a larger rock during the latter's development and hardening. In geology, the term xenolith is almost exclusively used to describe inclusions in igneous rock during magma emplacement and eruption.

"As an Black American citizen my ancestors were always subjected to emplacement and historical eruptions, even to this day. As you can see from the Xenolith, an image beauty was created in-spite of the turmoil."


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